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Professional Services

Strategic Advisor for Executives & Executive Teams

I have been guiding managers through the strategic thinking process for over 40 years. I work with both intact and multi-disciplinary management teams to articulate, launch, and execute their strategic choices more powerfully.

I use a question-based approach that helps clients approach problems strategically; this helps them set goals based on what they really want to be doing, and why.

For more information please feel welcome to contact me today.



Business Coaching for Executives

I provide 1:1 Business Coaching services for executives who could be Starting, are Stuck, or about to Soar in their careers. Employing a question-based approach, this relationship-driven process teaches senior level managers how to tap into their intuition in order to formulate sound business strategies and detailed implementation plans. By engaging in honest, strategic and methodical coaching sessions, executives will be better equipped to guide their careers in an authentic, values-based way, while strengthening their capability to make strategic choices on an ongoing basis.

Complementary to the one-on-one coaching, I provide team coaching to senior leadership teams, and am certified to do so. Through initial self-assessment and follow-on team coaching, the senior team boosts its ability to work together more collaboratively and powerfully to lead the organization ahead strategically.

For more information please feel welcome to contact me today.



Creative Problem Solving

Over the past 10 years, I have spent increasingly more time with clients in the areas of creativity and creative problem solving. One of my focal points has been the Cultivating Creative Collaboration program, an energizing and action-packed one-day workshop that equips teams with the foundation for creative problem solving.

In one day, all participants discover and appreciate their own style and those of their associates, making it much easier to match the right talent with the challenge. In the same day, they learn 10 practical thinking tools that they can apply immediately on the job. And they can turn to the online worksheet library as needed to support their creative and critical thinking back on the job.

And collaboration? It comes as a by-product of implanting a shared language and the set of ten team-based thinking tools.

Hundreds of these workshops have been run across North America over the past few years at, for example, GE, HP, Sun Microsystems, Kellogg’s, Velcro USA, PepsiCo, United States Air Force, IBM Canada, Hudson’s Bay Company, Time Warner, Eastman Chemical, FedEx, Deloitte Canada, Oracle, and RBC.

We’ve now given this design even more muscle by extending it and applying the rigour of three action learning principles:

  • action learning – instruction that includes seeing, hearing, and doing (Day One)
  • action challenge – working with a “real” and relevant challenge that tests the skill (Day Two)
  • action coaching – gaining feedback from a professional who understands the skills being acquired and provides relevant and useful feedback to the students to build their competence and confidence (½ day per week over 10-12 weeks)

The ROI on each of these three elements is measurable and significant.

For more information please feel welcome to contact me today.

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